Keynote : Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation: Pandemic Ethics
Prof. Dr. Kathleen Burnett |
Hits: 212
Sharing Session : Predatory Journal: What Researchers Should Know about Predatory Publishing?
Nicholas Pak |
Hits: 304
Paper 1 : Insiders and Outsiders in Collection Development and Cataloging Practices of Thai Materials in a Global Bibliographic Universe
Asst. Prof. Dr. Songphan Choemprayong, Hollie White |
Hits: 208
Paper 2 : Open Access to Research Data in Academic Libraries: A Note on the Reflection of the Practices in the US Universities
Muhamad Prabu Wibowo |
Hits: 218
Paper 3 : UiTM Digital Library in Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
Mohd Ismail Bin Abidin, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan, Jamalludin Sulaiman |
Hits: 245
Paper 4 : Digital Library Engagement During Covid-19 Pandemic: ITB Library Experience
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Yuli S Indartono, Ena Sukmana, Yoka Adam Nugrahaa, Arif Trikanda |
Hits: 197
Paper 5 : Research Data Management Services: How do we start?
Mohd Ikhwan Ismail |
Hits: 269
Paper 6 : Adopting Relational Perspective of Information Literacy for Higher Education Research
Dr. Heriyanto |
Hits: 279
Paper 7 : Visualizing The Knowledge Domain Of Library And Covid-19 Through Bibliometric Analysis
Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Noorman Masrek |
Hits: 198
Paper 8 : Digital video collection in the academic library: preserving memory collective as asset?
Dr. Tamara Adriani Salim |
Hits: 187
Paper 9 : Disinformation about Covid-19 and the position of Information Professionals on Infodemic Management
Dr. Amjid Khan |
Hits: 299